Friday, 6 April 2012

William SHAKESPEARE (1602), Twelfth Night, Orchard Classics
By Ignacio Rivoira González, 2º Bachillerato EFL

Viola, dressed as a man, takes the name of Cesario. She enters the service of the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. Viola (Cesario) falls in love with Orsino, who longs for the love of a neighbouring countess. To complicate matters, Viola's (Cesario’s) identical twin, Sebastian, arrives on the scene. Sir Toby Belch, a merry character, lives in Olivia’s house. The steward of the household is the conceited Malvolio. In the end, Sebastian and Olivia fall in love and marry. Orsino realises that it is Viola he loves and she agrees to marry him. Sir Toby Belch and Maria also decide to marry! The plot illustrates jealousy, mistaken identity. There are fights and duels, as well as the characteristic humour of the writer and his eagerness to create a universal work.
This Orchard Classics edition is very good if you are new to Shakespeare. It presents the play in an easy to understand way, with useful notes and comments. 

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