Monday, 23 April 2012

Daphne du MAURIER, Rebecca
By Daniel González Fernández, 1º Bachillerato EFL
After the death of his wife, Rebecca, Maxim de Winter meets a beautiful lady. Then they get married and the couple move to de Winter’s house, but there, Mrs de Winter isn’t comfortable because she seems to see Rebecca’s spirit. Also the servant is very rude to Mrs de Winter because she prefers the old Mrs de Winter, Rebecca. One day she finds that Mr de Winter is involved in Rebecca’s death but in the end he is found not guilty. The servant decides to burn the house because she hates to see the couple happy.
I think the best part of the story is when Maxim de Winter is implicated in Rebecca’s death. Before, the story is less interesting because there are only daily dialogues and it seems that nothing interesting will happen.
Maybe adults could find this type of romantic stories more interesting than teens because the pace of the story is a little bit slow. I know for a fact that my mother likes this book but I prefer the last three books that I read before this. I suppose that there are young people who have found it interesting so I would recommend it to any age group, but especially to people older than me.
This book has been recommended before. See January's posts

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