Sunday, 27 March 2011

SYAL, Meera, Anita and Me

By Inés Pineda, 2° ESO A

Meena’s mum and dad moved to England, Tollington (Wolverhampton), just before she was born to escape problems in India.

Anita and me tells the story of Meena’s childhood and how she met Anita, a Tollington girl about fourteen years old.

It tells of how Meena changes from being a small innocent nine year old, to a mature girl at the start of secondary school. It focuses mostly on her relationship with the Tollington “Wenches” but most of all, Anita.

I did worry I wasn’t going to like the book when I started, it didn’t seem (and it wasn’t) my type of book, if I were to contemplate its quality as literature I would say it’s good.

It speaks of two cultures, including plenty of detail about Indian culture, but adding some dry humour for the British.

Also, it has a mix of subtle humour for more avid readers and the some blatantly obvious humour, for those of less exprerience...

I also loved the challenging vocabulary!

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