Thursday, 3 March 2011

FIELDING, Helen, Bridget Jones´s Diary

Andrea Gómez González, 1º Bachillerato EFL

The book is a diary that Bridget writes during a year. She talks about different subjects, mostly about love. For Bridget love is something essential in her life. She is sure that she is very unattractive and she is constantly trying to lose weight. I really liked this book because the main character represents a normal person , some of us can feel the same in our lives, the things that happen are from the present days. It is a book for everybody.

Sergio Gómez, 1º Bachillerato EFL

I would recommend this book to everybody who likes comedy and love stories. A little bit of irony makes the reading very enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. ¡Absolutamente recomendable, uno de los libros y films con los que más me he reído!
    Coincidimos en gustos.
