Friday, 29 June 2012

Edgar Allan POE, “The Cask of Amontillado”, in Selected Tales, Oxford World's Classics
By Sylvia Maneiro, 2º E.S.O. A

This story is about Montresor, who has been insulted and offended, as he says, by Fortunato. That’s why Montresor seeks revenge, gets Fortunato drunk and, by lying to him and then making him know that he will be killed, he fulfils his revenge.
Montresor, the main character, is a man who is mad and cruel, because he just has no reasons to kill this man, he feels no remorse about it and doesn´t care.He is a murderer. He seems to be quite clever because he leads Fortunato to believe his lies and to follow him to be killed. 

The language of the story is maybe a little difficult. The writer uses sophisticated words. But apart from some of those words the language is good and easy to understand.

What kept me reading was the fact that I was interested in how Montresor was going to kill Fortunato, and if he really was. Also, I wanted to know what Fortunato actually did to Montresor but the author leaves us intrigued by not telling us. “The Cask of Amontillado” is interesting and intriguing. It scares a bit the way Montresor acts.

I would recommend this story and the whole book to everyone who likes scary stories and murders.

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