Sunday, 8 May 2011


Paloma Gómez González, 2° ESO EFL

It is about an 11 year-old boy called Billy who lives in England in a miner city with a lot of work problems and strikes. His mother died some years ago and he lives with his father, brother and grandmother. He goes to boxing lessons but he doesn´t like them.

One day Billy discovered the ballet lessons and he realised he loved it much better than boxing, so he decided to learn dancing, but he had to do it in secret because his father and brother thought it was a girl’s activity. When they knew about that, Billy was in trouble, but his teacher, Mrs. Wilkinson, explained to his family that Billy was really good at dancing and if he kept on practising he could get a grant for the Academy. Finally, his family started to believe in him and they travelled to London with him so that he did the audition.

I loved this book, because it is a beautiful story and, although is not based in real life, it appeared real, so it is more interesting because you can think of Billy as a real person.

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