Sunday, 28 November 2010

Geraldine McCaughrean (2000) Peter Pan in Scarlet

by Tania García Núñez, 2 ESO A

Geraldine McCaughrean has taken the normal Peter Pan story and she has written a new book in which Captain Hook is now eaten by the crocodile and Nederland is a horrible place where children have horrible dreams.

I think this has been a very interesting story because it’s not the same old book of Peter Pan, this book has more adventurous parts which makes it more exiting.

I would recommend this book for children 12 and up.

I would rate it 4 stars.

TOLKIEN, J.R.R. (2007, 70th anniversary edition) The Hobbit

by Liberty Knox, 2*ESO A

Bilbo was a happy hobbit, living in 'The Shire' when one day thirteen dwarves and one wizard showed up on his doorstep and whisked him off on an adventure to find treasure which had been stolen. While he was on his adventure he had to go through many dangerous trials and had to become a much stronger person.

I thought this book was quite exciting because it was full of action and very imaginative. I would recommend this book to children over the age of twelve because I found it quite difficult due to the large amount of characters it had, and also because I found the vocabulary quite difficult.

Nigerian Food
by Ines Pineda 2 ESO A
HOPKINS, Cathy (2009) Mates, Dates and the Secret Story, Picadilly Press.

by Oliva Barrio, 2 ESO A

The book is about a girl called " Lucy" who falls madly in love with this boy "Tony".

Tony turns out to be Lucy's best friend’s brother. Throughout the book they hang out together, and they have a relationship, but not that serious. Lucy's friends help her get closer to Tony.

I love this book, because it's really romantic, interesting and teaches a lot of what to do in life, and how to be. Not to be someone else, but be YOU.

More information:

by Tania Garcia
By Daniel Gallego, 2 ESO A, 2010-2011

The Secret Story

HOPKINS, Cathy (2009) Mates, Dates: The Secret Story

by Eliana Lale-Kahn, 2° ESO A

The Secret Story is about a 14 year old girl called Lucy and a boy called Tony. They are always on and off because of the age difference and cannot decide if it is right to be together...

This book is one of my favourite ones. It has romance, which is one of my favourite genres, makes a lot of things happen in little part of the book, and it is very well explained. I recommend it to girls from 12-15 years of age and I would rate it 5 stars.


GOODMAN, Elizabeth (2010) Lady Gaga, Extreme Style

by Camilo Cañaveral Alzate, 2 ESO A

Do you know Lady Gaga’s real name? Do you know where her artistic name comes from? Well… This book has all the answers. Do you like fashion? What are you waiting for to read this masterpiece! Welcome to Gaga’s World!, where everything is art, originality and, of course, fashion. The 143 pictures will help you understand what seems absurd at a first glance, but if you look closer you will find a whole life, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta’s life.

I love this book! The presentation suits the image in the page and it includes many facts and dialogues. The last page shows you how to dress like her. The pictures are quite big and the texts are sometimes short and expressive. Lizzy demonstrates her talent when writing about fashion. She uses formal vocabulary.

The Sorrows of Young Werther

GOETHE, The Sorrows of Young Werther

By Cristina Gutiérrez Aguilera, 2° Bachillerato EFL

The story is about a love triangle. The main character, Werther, told his history by means of letters which are destined to his best friend, Albert. Werther lives a horrible life since he met Lotte at a dance where he fell in love at first sight. The problem was that Lotte was engaged to Albert. He couldn’t put up with that situation and... (you must read it to find out).

I have enjoyed this book because it has been very easy to identify with feelings that any person may have. Although Lotte is a very cruel and bad person (because she knew perfectly that Werther was in love with her and yet she fed his impossible love), this story couldn’t have been written with success without her, for this reason I believe that the book should be called Charlotte.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Oliva Barrio 2 ESO A

Mates, Dates and Diamond Destiny, by Cathy Hopkins (2009), Piccadilly Press, London

This book is about this girl called Nesta who has a big brother "Tony", who sometimes makes her life miserable, and her friends which are like BFF's (best friends forever).
The books shows how Nesta feels about people with cancer, who live poor, etc And she makes up for it by doing charity work and fundraising. At the end of the book she falls in love with "William", even though she says she hasn't. Then she kissed him and finally admits the truth of love.

Greek Mythology 2
by Cristina Campos, 2 ESO A